A bit about our projects

  • Prey School

    We teamed up with VegVoyages Foundation and The Shinta Mani Foundation to help a school. The school was already built but because it was far out of town was struggling to get teachers or volunteers. It could only have one class at night for about 30-40 kids. The teacher wasn't fully trained.

    Together, we decided to pay for a full-time trained teacher and get new books and things the school needed. Now, the school can teach 85-90 kids every day in three different classes. They learn English and about being good citizens. We also have two people working full-time to keep this project going.

  • Lovely Hearts Academy

    Our Journey with Lovely Hearts Academy

    Lovely Hearts Academy started as a dream of Sary Li, a local activist, who teamed up with the Lovely Hearts Foundation in the US. Sary's goal was to give kids in his community the chances he never had by building a school right there. Together, they made it happen, and the school doors opened in 2023.

    When we first visited, we were touched by Sary's dedication and the eagerness of the kids to learn. We began by helping teach English and soon found ourselves deeply involved, contributing donations and support. We're inspired by Sary's vision for the future (check out how you can help on our support page).

    We now fully fund the running of this school with Sary, two full time teachers and a part time co-ordinator.