A bit about our on-going projects
Prey School
We teamed up with VegVoyages Foundation and The Shinta Mani Foundation to help a school. The school was already built but because it was far out of town was struggling to get teachers or volunteers. It could only have one class at night for about 30-40 kids. The teacher wasn't fully trained.
Through your support it has been amazing to watch this project grow. We are now supporting two teachers and the school runs five classes a day and has to cap the capacity at 130 children. It has a 0% drop out rate and its wonderful to see the happy smiling faces on our weekly reports and updates.
Looking to the future we shall be looking at expanding the facilities etc.
The team at Shinta Mani have recently raised the funds to provide uniforms and books for every child to wear to the state school as well.
Such a fantastic project we are all very proud of.
Elie and the Elephant Valley project
We are supporting the Elephant valley project by sponsoring one of the elephants NIng Wan. The project is Cambodias premier elephant sanctuary and have been actively rescuing and retiring working captive elephants since 2006.
The last 12 months have been some of the hardest the project has ever faced. They have lost four elephants including a baby to an EEHV virus so it has left the team in low spirits.
Financially has also been so difficult because
although it was tough during the pandemic they could access grants and crisis funds. Unfortunately they have come to an end but tourism has not gone back to previous levels and so are getting by on a hand to mouth basis and things are looking bleak.
We are funding this through our own donations currently and offering monthly support. We will visit on our next trip to Cambodia and see what else we can do to support this amazing project and these wonderful creatures.
Ning Wan is an old elephant, he has no teeth and has to spend his time at the waterside eating soft foods. He has cuts and sores to his feet that need daily dressing with iodine.